"Trusting Change" Book Cover and Spot Illustrations

“Trusting Change” Book Cover and Spot Illustrations
— Author: Karen Hering | Publisher: Skinner House Books | Project Managed by Larisa Hohenboken

Cover Art Concept

The text of Trusting Change frequently references growth metaphors, including butterfly imagery. The client brief requested a butterfly motif with a design that could stand on its own without being a literal butterfly.

I focused on the warmth and texture of a monarch’s wing for the background design. The foreground features two layers of leaves— fresh green sprigs paired with transparent yet more complex leaves, signifying the tandem growth we do around the remains of our grief.

Spot Illustrations

The creative brief for the spot illustrations requested butterfly themed pieces that could straddle the line between abstract and representative. I was also tasked with capturing the spiritual tone of the book.


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