NaNoWriMo: “Noveling Notebook” cover and Sticker Designs

NaNoWriMo | Notebook and Sticker Designs

My most recent collaboration with National Novel Writing Month consisted of creating a series of products for their 2020 donor campaign. The brief asked that I design three clearly delineated stickers defining the three classifications of writers:

  • Planners: This category is for writers who outline thoroughly and need all their ducks in a row before they begin their project. (I fall into this category, myself!) I chose a bullet journal aesthetic with an orderly workspace, even spacing between elements, and a calming blue palette.

  • Pantsers: This category consists of chaotic-good creatives who run on both impulse and caffeine, letting inspiration carry them across the finish line. I chose a more urgent palette of orange and kept the element spacing more frenetic.

  • Plantsers (a hybrid): This third category is for those in-between folks who start with a skeleton outline and let their story find them along the way. It’s equal parts planning and chaos with a teal color scheme that clearly sets it apart from its parent classifications.


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